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Live Precious Metals Price Charts

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Following the price of many precious metals has never been so fast and ergonomic.
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Gold Price
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Graphique du cours de l'or par Orobel
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Follow the gold price with advanced charts and live price update. In partnership with TradingView.

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The price of precious metals by Orobel
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With your Orobel, you can follow the different prices and quotations of precious metals. Free, easy and without ads, you can follow the price of gold, silver, platinum and palladium in the main currencies that are Euro, Dollar and British Pound. Our different charts and tables are interactive and updated in real time. </ Span>

With our new version, you can find on the same page: tables, graphs and all the information concerning the various markets.

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Our Charts Advantages
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Super Fast

In a few clicks, you can follow the prices of different metals in different currencies.

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It’s live

Our tables and charts are updated in real time for reliable information at all times.

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In addition to the price, find news, advice and other information on the gold market

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Our service is completely free, without advertisements and does not require any registration!

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Gold Price
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Silver price
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Platinum and Palladium price
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Information on the market of gold and precious metals.
Our interactive charts allow you to track real-time gold and silver prices set by the four major players in the international market: London, New York, Zurich and Tokyo. But above all, you will find all the market news to have an understanding and a vision of the market ever wider.
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Prices of precious metals
where you are. When you want
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Orobel’s precious metals pages are available on computer, tablet and smartphone. You can follow the price of gold, silver, platinum and palladium, no matter where you are and what device you use.
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