How is a gold buyout in native, nugget or african flakes form ?

Published On: décembre 4th, 2015Last Updated: août 26th, 2018
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At Orobel for several years, we regularly buy gold exported from Africa.



First the first difficulty for this kind of purchase is obtaining a visa by the seller.

Orobel In fact, buy only CIF, that is to say, rendering customs and filed in Belgian or Dutch Customs.


Most gold items from Africa trips accompanied luggage with their owners.

In most African countries, they do not exist simple and easy structures to shipments in cargo value.

The value of transportation services such as Brinks, Malca Amit Ferrari value or are not present in Africa.

There are some African countries private security companies making such services.

Once the vendor has been able to travel and landed with his gold, he went to the passenger customs Brussels airport, the customs based on these documents and export of its pro forma invoice will complete a certificate T80

Then the batch is be sealed and placed under the customs-trunk customs.

Orobel then sends the documents with the T80 has its customs agent who introduce into the computer system of the Belgian Customs. The latter is automated and returns the clearance between 30 minutes and 60 minutes later if there were no anomalies.

Then this document with the seller gets his gold prize in the safe customs or made do with a value carrier.

Once the lot at Orobel, it is open and check, and if it is gold, we are basing and weigh to the seller.

The gold ingot obtained is then re-weighed and analyzed by the spectrometer to know and assess the quantity of fine gold it contains.

This gold is then sold on international markets and the next day paid into the bank account of the seller.

Orobel through its organization, its own foundry and refinery pays your gold’s real value and take a very reduced operating margin.

Be careful that orobel request a deposit prior to customs clearance. Indeed, we often pay customs duties from fake gold that are the crooks of all kinds made in Africa.

This deposit is obviously immediately returned when the batch, out of the box is gold.



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